What's on my iPad?

My iPad has made some changes these days now that I am working with little ones.  I have been trying to search and gather my favorite speech/toddler apps.  My goal for most apps these days is SIMPLE!  I look for ones that are very easy to use, don't have a lot of distractions and can be completed quickly or with repetition. Here's a short list of my current favorites (and the ones that are currently getting the most use)!

This app is as simple as it gets.  There is a yes button and a no button.  And as you may have guessed we use it for answering yes/no questions! It's particularly helpful for kiddos who are non-verbal or use limited language. 

Object Sort
I just found this one and haven't used it a ton but it is another simple one that works on sorting objects by colors just as the name implies.  It could also be used for naming or identifying basic vocabulary. 

Towers (by Tiny Hands)
This one is mostly just fun for little ones.  They have to build something and they put the pieces in order to build whatever tower is pictured.  I use it mostly as a reinforcer but it could also be used to describe shapes using superlatives. 

Speak Colors
This one is very simple.  My version is blue and I can't remember if I downloaded the free version or not but I could only find a picture of the yellow version.  I use it to work on describing (color words) and producing 2 word phrases (ex. red hat, green circle, blue ball).  I sometimes try to expand it to sentences by using a carrier phrase "I see the  ___ ___." You can also use it for naming vocabulary. 

Splingo Pronouns
This is another one that is very simple but keeps my kiddos engaged.  GREAT for demonstrating an understanding of pronouns and following directions.  

I am currently in LOVE with Super Simple Songs on YouTube.  My two favorites are Wheels on the Bus and Old MacDonald.  Sometimes I get out the barn or bus and we play as we sing along. Other times we do motions for the songs and work on imitating gestures/sounds.  Either way they capture my kiddos attention very well.

That's what's currently happening on my iPad, if you work with little ones (preschool or younger) I suggest you try some of these out! : )

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