What's My Shape?

I posted a new FREE geometry game called What's My Shape? from my Geometry pack.  You can click on the image below to download it for FREE from TPT!

  It's played like the popular Headbandz game except with 2-D shapes. I was experimenting with how to make my headbands out of sentence strips and thought you may want some pictures so here is my sweet model showing off the super easy headband set up! All I used was a laminated sentence strip and two paper clips. They are so excited to play this next week!

This game is also available in my Geometry pack!  This pack is aligned to the 2nd grade CCSS and has 10 games/centers to practice the 2nd grade Geometry standards. You can check it out on TPT by clicking on one of the pictures below!


  1. We are starting back with a force and motion unit. Thank you SO much for the freebie! I can't wait to get back to you/blog about how much fun we will have using it!

    Chickadee Jubilee

  2. Yeah! I'm so glad you can use it!

  3. Thanks for the Force and Motion freebie! When we go back next week we are starting up Science with Force and Motion so this is perfect! Thanks again!

    Christina :)
    Apples, Books, and Crayons

  4. Hey, I really like your what's my shape game and I think children will really enjoy playing it! Thanks for sharing your ideas and inspiration as it helps me a lot as a trainee teacher.

    I hope you can hop over to my blog sometime,
    All the best

    Ben :)

  5. Thanks for the great idea. I teach 5th grade and they would have a BLAST with this game. After I try it, I will blog about it (and link to your post to give you credit). I'll let you know when I do so you can check it out.

    Your newest follower,
    easy peasy education
