Back-to-School Centers {2nd Grade}

I am two days away from summer graduate school ending...two days!!!  I cannot contain my excitement.  I have had an amazing summer at my placement and learned SO much but my classes have been rough!  I am ALMOST ready to tackle a few weeks of back-to-school readiness!  To start with, I just posted my 2nd grade back to school centers!!  You can check them out below!

So, what am I planning on creating for the next three weeks??  Here's my short list:
1. Update my earlier ELA Units (Poppleton, Seasons, Exploring the Wild West,)
2. Finish my 2nd Grade ELA Vocabulary Card Set
3. Finish my Back-to-School Books Activity Pack
4. Get crafty with some new classroom decor
5. Enjoy a little bit of vacation and family time!

I hope you are all getting a little excited for back-to-school or just enjoying your last few weeks of vacation!