Last year I looped with my kiddos from 1st to 2nd grade and had a problem. I had already done The Flat Stanley project in 1st and didn't want to do the same thing again for 2nd grade. So, my wonderful teacher assistant and I put our heads together and came up with The Flat Stanley project 2.0. It is not your normal send in an address and mail him off project. Instead it became a research project with an opportunity to increase our global awareness by learning about amazing places all around the world that each Flat Stanley "visited". I also had already read the original book by Jeff Brown but found that there is a whole series of Flat Stanley worldwide adventures. The African Safari book was on sale for $1.00 through scholastic and I ordered a class set which we read instead of the original. There are more that have been published since then that are also available through the scholastic book orders. The kids LOVED the book and project. They went well above and beyond.
I created a packet of materials that are needed to complete the project and posted it to TPT! You can get the project by clicking on the picture below if you're interested . And a big THANK YOU to Amy Lemons over at Step Into Second Grade for her power point tutorials. I used to make all my stuff in Microsoft word but she showed me how easy powerpoint is! Hope you had a nice weekend and are ready for the week ahead!
*UPDATE: This packet has been updated in October 2012. Please check out the new packet on TPT*

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