February is here tomorrow and love is in the air!  This month is all about groundhogs, hearts, and love!  Here's what I have planned for therapy in February (and three freebies too!). You can click on any of the pictures to find the resource.  Love Bugs This game is brand new this year.  I have been working on similar games for each month/holiday and they are a new favorite among my groups in 2nd grade and up!  Print one gameboard for each student (I print front to back with articulation targets on one side and language on the back).  You'll need one dice to play this game and any kind of small object to cover the squares. I am going to use candy hearts to play. Heart Dot Art These super easy printables are great month to month!  Use bingo daubers or crayons to decorate the page.  Lots of skills are included and make planning for mixed groups really easy.  February Vocabulary We use playdough quite a bit in therapy w......
Happy New Year!  I'm back with a roundup of all the fun activities we will be using in therapy this month!  Winter Wonderland This game is brand new and makes planning mixed groups so easy!  I have several games just like it for different holidays/seasons and a few more in the works. I print a bunch of gameboards (front to back) and laminate them. You can use any small objects to cover the squares.  I found these mini-snowflakes in the dollar section of Target.  Snowball Fight! Another fun game for mixed speech groups.  I have several paper bag games like these for different seasons/holidays.  My 2nd-5th graders usually enjoy these the most! The best part about paper bag games is that you play during therapy and then send home for home practice!  Snowglobe I combined my articulation and language snow globes into one file this year.  Under the cotton balls are speech and language targets. All grade levels enjoy making thei......