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Hi friends! I hope you all had a relaxing Thanksgiving break! I had the cutest idea over break and can't wait to share it with you guys. For my speech kiddos this month we will be making build-a-beard's to practice our speech/language targets! Santa is missing his beard and we have to help him grow a new one. I have a pack for articulation skills and for language skills. Here's how it works. First print a build-a-beard depending on the skill you're working on. Color the hat and the skin. We were working on the /p/ sound with this one. Next, practice the word (or language skill) before gluing on each cotton ball. We said the word three times each and then used it in a sentence. Continue until Santa's beard is back! Here are a few of our Santa's hanging in the hallway! Want to check it out for yourself? Click on either of the pictures below to get it on sale today and tomorrow! You can a......

I had the best session today using this new FREEBIE! We are really trying to gain understanding of antonyms and synonyms. It went so well I wanted to share it for FREE so others could possibly find some success using it too. Plus, my kids just can't get enough of my "Don't Wake the Monster" games! Click on the picture below to download it from TPT! ...

My teachers have been on a roll identifying and referring the kiddos that are in need of a speech/language screening. Unfortunately, I don't have a preschool language screener that I like (or money to buy one) so I decided to make one! I have been using this with a few of my kiddos and found it gives great informal assessment information to determine whether or not a full evaluation should be recommended. Here are a few pictures of the screeners. Let's look a little bit closer! The scoring is simple, give a 1 if the child gets the answer correct and a 0 if it's incorrect. You add up all the 1's at the end and if the average score is 80% or higher the student has passed the screening. If the child scores 79% or lower further evaluation is recommended. It has taken me about 10-15 minutes to complete both sections of the screener (expressive and receptive) with my preschool kiddos. The best part is that they are only $3.00 on TPT! You can cli......

Happy Halloween weekend! I hope you're gearing up for lots of spooky fun this weekend! To celebrate my entire store will be on sale, 20% off for tomorrow only!! Click on the picture below to check it out! ...

Hi friends! Well this year is just moving right along isn't it?? I can't believe the end of the first nine weeks is tomorrow. As I'm working with my kiddos I have been putting things together that we need in our therapy sessions. Here's a little bit of what's new in my store! You can click on any pictures below to check them out. {Hint there's a lot of no prep going on when you're planning for 50+ kiddos!} This pack was designed for speech therapy and has no prep fun for 10 different phonological processes and great minimal pair cards! This pack was designed for speech therapy and has tons of WH- questions including pages with mixed WH- questions! This pack is more geared towards the general ed. teacher in grades 1-3. The best thing about this pack (besides the fact that it's FULL of engaging activities and printables) is that it is FREE! Grab it now so you'll be ready to teach all about Veterans Day before November 11th. ...

I have always been a fan of card games that are super easy to prep and play. I have played versions of "Bang" or "zap" for years and I've carried this over into speech as well. In speech this past week we've been playing "Don't Wake the Monster!". Color ink is expensive and hard to come by at my school so I prefer black/white printables that I can make colorful by printing onto colored copy paper. Since I often have a group of kiddos working on different goals I have been printing each kiddo's cards on a different color paper so we can all play together but work on different goals! I also set the iPad timer from anywhere from 5-7 minutes depending on the group. They LOVE the timer, it makes them work harder and stay on task. Plus they love being able to tell when time will be up! I have put together two different packets, one with articulation games and one with language games. If you're looking for quick and easy articulati......

Working with kiddos with Childhood Apraxia of Speech can be challenging and yet so rewarding. I have also found it is pretty difficult to find materials for apraxia that don't cost an arm and a leg. Since I don't have an extra arm or leg to spare ; ) I have been slowly putting these things together and finally put them all into a new packet. This packet practices production of vowel sounds and different syllable structures (CV, VC, CVC, CVCV). I had a sweet kiddo yesterday who LOVED the "Don't Wake the Monster" game with the printable picture cards. She loved it so much, I am working on making the game for other articulation sounds too, coming soon! She asked to take it home and play it with her mom (hello homework!). Check it out by clicking on the picture below. ...

Hi friends! I hope your school year is going well! Mine has been busy, busy as I'm sure yours has too. I was looking at my "Ways to Show a Number" anchor chart the other day and thought that would be great to turn into a flip book! So, here it is! The file has two flip books; one to teach and one to practice. Click on the picture to check it out! Head over to my Facebook page to enter to win a free copy!! ...

Happy Saturday! I have a large mound of paperwork to work on today, just wanted to pop in to share a new freebie! Now that the school year is underway kiddos are starting to attend a variety of classes. I put together a clip chart to help keep track of who's going where! Click on the picture below to get it for FREE! Have a great weekend! ...

Hi! I hope everyone's school year is off to a great start! Mine has been wonderful and crazy busy at the same time. My new kiddos on my caseload this year have come to me with some goals that I haven't tackled much in the past. Several included communication boards or low tech AAC options. I quickly realized I was going to have to make some language or communication boards to go along with therapy. I didn't have a subscription to board maker or any other clip art that would be needed to make communication boards without buying individual clip art packs and that was going to be expensive! Please know that I am a beginner when it comes to making communication boards and I know these aren't perfect but Smarty Symbols has definitely made my job much EASIER! Let's dive on in! What is Smarty Symbols ? Smarty Symbols are a clip art service for teachers, speech-language pathologists and parents. They are very seller friendly in that you ar......

Every 7th of the month during the school year a huge group of SLPs throw a sale and offer one of their products for 50% off! Well, tomorrow is the first sale of this school year! My Speech Sound Homework and Handouts will be only $2.50 starting RIGHT NOW until Monday at midnight (or Tuesday morning when I wake up). : ) Be sure to put the hashtag #SeptSLPMustHave into the TPT search engine to check out all the other fabulous must have speechie products on sale! ...

To celebrate the new blog look and the new school year I have teamed up with some of my BEST bloggy friends to bring you a giveaway! Check out the cool prizes and enter below using the rafflecopter! One lucky winner will win everything listed below. Please note that two items will need to be mailed to the winner so we will need a physical address if you win. I will e-mail the winner once the giveaway has ended. : ) Check out more from Blair Turner HERE ! Good luck and happy back to school! a Rafflecopter giveaway I want to send a huge THANK YOU to Jen at Hello Literacy , Amanda at A Perfect Blend , Sandy at Soaring , Amanda at One Extra Degree , Ashley at Teach, Create, Motivate , and Anna at Simply Skilled in Second for donating to the giveaway and for being such AWESOME friends! Check them out, they are amazing! ...

Surprise!! How do you like the new and improved Primary Punch?! I am thrilled with how the design came out, all thanks to the amazing Designs by Tenille ! I have something BIG in the works to celebrate next week so stay tuned! We started with teacher workdays this week. Did I forget to mention I'm back with the school system this year?? I am thrilled to be returning to the school system as a school-based speech-language pathologist this year! I feel right back in my element and can't wait to get started. This week has been spent in PD meetings and trying to wrap my brain around the paperwork. I have also been working on my cute speech room too! Our kids first day is next Tuesday and I have ALOT to learn before then. I have been trying to figure out some housekeeping items and what I want to put on the walls is one thing I've been working on. Here's what I have so far. If you follow me on instagram these are old news : ) an......

It's back to school time! I have been busy getting my speech room together and a sweet teacher friend asked for some gift tags for a back to school gift. You can grab these smart cookie gift tags for FREE by clicking on either picture below. Hope you're having fun getting ready for back to school! Stay tuned for some fun back to school posts coming up! ...

Only a few hours left until the BIG back to school sale begins on TPT! I have been busy getting my cart ready with lots of new clip art to begin creating for a new school year! All of the Primary Punch store will be mark down 20% off, you can get another 8% off by using code BTS15 at checkout! Happy shopping! ...

Hi Friends! I hope you are enjoying your summer! I have a few things planned for back to school (yes it's coming up wayyy too soon!) but wanted to let you know that I have been busy updating my much needed vocabulary card packs. They have a new font and many pictures or visual cues have been added! If you already own a set be sure to download the new version for FREE through the "My purchases" tab! You can click on the picture below to check out all the packs on TPT. ...
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