
I have learned this week that my class cannot handle too much deviation from our normal routine.  We have had some things happening this week (EOG testing mainly) that have thrown off our schedule and they have just been all over the place.  This may be also due to the fact that we only have 7 days left but I'm going with routine changes. : )  Well, yesterday I noticed that the majority of my classroom library chapter books were missing.  So we cleaned out our chair pockets and desks to find about 25 chapter books jammed into desks, chair pockets, name it, there was a book there.  I had to re-think our whole chapter book situation.

I don't know about your 2nd graders but mine think that chapter books makes them grown-up, practically 3rd graders so they want to read them all the time.  The problem with this is that they tend to flip through the pages for about 5 minutes and then go put it away.  Even though we have clearly stated and practiced the expectations for independent reading time. So, how can I make them keep the same book for more than 5 minutes and really try to read it? I have tried reader response sheets and of course we do AR testing but AR testing is over for the school year and I found with reader response sheets I had to read the book to know if they were right or wrong which I don't usually have time for. Most of them are very capable of reading chapter books, they just lose their attention.  So...a new class job was born...librarian!  

I chose the first librarian (and possibly the last since we only have 7 more days) and we set up shop!  The librarian will "open" the chapter book library everyday during our independent reading time.  She checks out books to students and writes down the student's names, the book title and the check-out/check-in date.  I used a free classroom library check-out sheet from TPT (I can't find exactly where it came from but there are a ton if you search for it) and it was perfect.  The only rule (so far) is that they can only check-out ONE chapter book a day.  I explained that most chapter books take 2-3 days to read, so we'll see tomorrow who's running to the "library" to take their book back. I don't have a check-out system with the picture books, those are still fair game.  The librarian also gets to sit and read at the horseshoe table during the whole independent reading time, which she thought was pretty cool.  I was asked about 2323897235 times who the next librarian would be and when would we switch.  Here's a picture of her in action!

So far, it has been great! They were quiet and engaged in their chapter books during independent reading time, I didn't notice any incessant page flipping.   It's one of those ideas that I'm like "why didn't I think of this sooner??"  I just hope the novelty doesn't wear off in the next 7 days!!


  1. I love the librarian idea. My students are like that too. I am going to have to try this next year!

  2. Lovin' your new Punctuation Unit!


  3. The librarian idea is so smart! Hopefully that'll get your kids reading the whole books and not just parts of it! And my kids could definitely use your punctuation unit! It looks great!
    Teaching in the Valley

  4. I like this idea! Might have to add it for next year! My kids always want to be at the bookshelf every day, and I also tell them it takes a few days to read a chapter book! They must all be speed readers :)


  5. love your idea about the librarian, it is a great way to get kiddo's to sit and really give the book a go since they know they cannot change it! As for your punchuation unit - it has gone on my wish list!! I love your style of units and I am determined that some will be mine once I get my first placement!!

  6. We have one 'library card' to use for checking out AND we clean desks weekly (lately by someone else as they tend to do a better job than on their own desk!) AND I will still find seven books (and the library card!) in a kid's desk!

    I love all of your creations, so am keeping my fingers crossed to get lucky with the Punctuation Power pack. (And the boys would eat it up!)

    tokyoshoes at hotmail dot com

  7. I love the librarian idea -- I have a librarian, but all she does is straighten up the books! The punctuation pack is going on my ever-growing wishlist!! I would love to win it!


  8. I think this idea is great. I get so tired of telling kids they actually have to read the words in the books. Hopefully this idea will work with them. Your punctuation pack is great. I have put it on my wishlist.

    Charlene/Diamond Mom

  9. I love this idea. I bought large wiggly eye rings from Amazon and the kids love them and are reading again:)

    The Resourceful Apple

  10. This is a great idea! I'm finding the same issue with my kids. Definitely something to mark for next year! Thanks! Sarah-

  11. So true about the chapter your idea!

    Lindsey -

  12. That's a great idea - my kids get to check out books once a week - so they have to get 5 books, at least of them being chapter books. They use these all week for Daily 5.

    Allyson -

  13. What a great idea about your classroom library! I will have to keep that in mind. As always, the Punctuation Power unit looks awesome. Happy 7ish more days of school!!!

  14. Love the librarian idea! My 2nd graders think they are big time with the chapter books. "Yes!" they insist, "I AM reading all 5 of these chapter books in my book box!" Uh, right! And then we put 4 out of 5 back to the book tub! ;) Also--Punctuation unit looks excellent! Thanks for making it! I would SO totally use this!

  15. Love your new classroom job! This is such a great idea for the entire school year, and it takes away less stress for the teacher. I will have to try this next year, instead of trying to conquer the entire library on my own! Also, the Punctuation unit looks great! I love how you used the superhero theme to really get all the kiddos involved! Great work!


  16. I love this pack. I am looking for something new and cute!


  17. Your pack is too cute!

  18. Love the librarian idea! I may use that next year :)

  19. Our classroom is definitely in need of a librarian as well! I bet your little helper felt so special being able to sit at the kidney bean table! Every single thing you make goes right to my wishlist but I would love to win a copy to use next year! Thanks for creating adorable products!

    I've Got It Made in Second Grade

  20. I have librarians in my class, but they only do make sure books get put back in the right place. I've been thinking of doing some kind of check out system, and I love that your librarian gets "preferred seating"! Your punctuation pack looks great! My kids could always use more practice with that.

  21. Your library idea is simple and brilliant! I was just telling a co-worker this morning "I need a new library system! It's CHAOS!". I can't wait to try out your new punctuation pack!

  22. I have the same issue in my class. I actually have had a class librarian all year, but never thought of having that person be the person who checks out my chapter books. I think I will make this a job for the librarian to handle check out of all chapter books level J and over because most chapter books start here. I've had the hardest time tracking whether they were reading them outside of small group time. Great idea!! My kids have been wild the last 7 days of school and I've done tons of little hands on activities to keep them engaged, but without ROUTINE they are NOT the same!! Tomorrow we are having a READ A THON, FAVORITE BOOK Presentations, and END Of Year Reading Awards!! -----Tomorrow is our last day!!

  23. Love the Punctuation Power... Very cute! I wish you the best with the librarian job in your class. Thanks for thinking of those of us still working until some time in June. Super Storm Sandy caused us to extend until late June. I am moving to second grade next year from fourth, and I am super excited!
