Math Vocabulary Cards

I have been doing some major work on my vocabulary card sets.  I am trying to give them all a cohesive look.  Now that I have a year of teaching the CCSS under my belt, I am reviewing all the vocabulary I taught last year and making a few changes as needed. Today I uploaded new and improved 2nd grade math vocabulary cards.  Most of these cards have pictures that accompany the words.  If you already own them be sure to go back to your purchases and download the new pack for FREE!  

I am still working on Kindergarten and 1st grade math cards and Kindergarten Social Studies cards, stay tuned!!


  1. I like these...a lot:) I am moving to 2nd next year too! do you have ELA ones at all???

    Tonya’s Treats for Teachers

    1. I don't have ELA vocabulary cards, all of my ELA units have vocabulary cards included that are text/topic specific : )

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Love these. Even though many schools have increased the amount of time that is spent on math it is still in no way comparable to Language Arts & even math focused ideas get pushed by the wayside. So I love that you are offering math vocab cards. These should be displayed just as prominently as sight words, in my opinion. Thanks for creating these.


  4. Yes! I haven't had as many requests for 3rd grade things as other grades but I definitely has some plans for 3rd grade items this summer : )
